How our guest blogs work

If you are dealing with bereavement and probate you will be needing professional, trade and well-being services.  This could be a solicitor, accountant, financial advisor, estate agent, auctioneer, funeral director, builder, charity, house clearer, locksmith... and the list goes on.

Yonderlife has a policy of personal recommendations on our community pages.  We do not take money or referral fees from any service provider.  This ensures that our recommendations are based on what we think is best for you.  We need to ensure our independence.

In return, we ask all service providers promoted on our community to make a donation to the Alzheimer's Society and to share our post on their marketing and social media channels.  If you think you, your business or your community can help when someone has died, please get in touch.

What we ask of you, potential customers, is to tell us about your interaction with them and in particular if you find their service not to your level of expectation.