What is grief if not the perseverance of love?

How are you feeling?

With bereavement it is ok to feel how you are feeling.  We would like to know what you are going through. Perhaps you are finding the process of probate a little daunting, or you are feeling a little lost?

The loss of someone is a personal thing.  We sincerely hope that you have many things to celebrate about the life of the deceased.

We also hope that during the probate process that those memories are not diluted by the inevitable hum drum of official forms. Should you want to share how you are feeling, or share your celebrations of someone's life please get in touch.

Loss is a very personal thing.  We are equally looking for those who can help share the burden of grief.  If you have some skills or services that can help people through bereavement, then please also get in touch.  We would like to share what you can do for people at this most challenging of time.

Talking about grief will not bring anyone back, however over time may enable you to move forward.

There may be an understanding of that feeling of loneliness.

Should you run a group or activity where you believe that any feelings around bereavement can be addressed then also please get in touch.